See the Guide for an introduction to Gerbil's object system. These procedures provide the meta-object protocol.


(make-object class fields) -> object

  class  := type-descriptor; the class of the constructed object
  fields := the number of fields in the object

Creates an object with class class and fields fields.


(object? obj) -> boolean

  obj := any object

Returns true if obj is an object instance.


(object-type obj) -> type

  obj := any object

Returns the class of an object; obj must be an object instance.


(type-descriptor? obj) -> boolean

  obj := any object


Returns true if obj is a runtime type descriptor.


(struct-type? obj) -> boolean

  obj := any object


Returns true if obj is a struct type descriptor.


(class-type? obj) -> boolean

  obj := any object

Returns true if obj is a class type descriptor.


(struct-subtype? a b) -> boolean

  a, b := type-descriptor

Returns true if b is a struct subtype of a; a and b must be type descriptors.

This procedures checks the inheritance chain of b; b is a struct subtype of a if it is included in b's inheritance chain.


(class-subtype? a b) -> boolean

  a, b := type-descriptor

Returns true if b is a class subtype of a; a and b must be type descriptors.

This procedures checks the linearized mixin list of b; b is a class subtype of a if it is included in b's mixins.


(direct-instance? klass obj) -> boolean

  klass := type-descriptor

Returns true if obj is an immediate instance of klass.


(struct-instance? klass obj) -> boolean

  klass := type-descriptor
  obj   := any object

Returns true if obj is a struct instance of klass.

This procedures checks the inheritance chain of obj's type; obj is a struct instance of klass if it is an object and its type is includes klass in its inheritance chain.


(direct-struct-instance? klass obj) -> boolean

  klass := type-descriptor
  obj   := any object

Same as (direct-instance? klass obj).


(class-instance? klass obj) -> boolean

  klass := type-descriptor
  obj   := any object

Returns true if obj is a class instance of klass.

This procedures checks the linearized mixin list of obj's type; obj is a class instance of klass if it is an object and its type is includes klass in its mixin list.


(direct-class-instance? klass obj) -> boolean

  klass := type-descriptor
  obj   := any object

Same as (direct-instance? klass obj).


(make-struct-type id super fields name plist ctor [field-names = #f]) -> type-descriptor

  id          := symbol; the type id
  super       := type-descriptor or #f; the struct type to inherit from
  fields      := fixnum; number of (new) fields in the type
  name        := symbol; the (displayed) type name
  properties  := alist; type properties
  ctor        := symbol or #f; id of constructor method
  field-names := list of symbols or #f; (displayed) field names

plist elements:
 (transparent: . boolean) ; controls whether the object is transparent
                            in equality and printing
 (final: . boolean)       ; controls whether the class if final
 (print: field ...)       ; printable field names
 (equal: field ...)       ; equality comparable field names

Creates a new struct type descriptor.


(make-struct-predicate klass) -> procedure

  klass := type-descriptor


Creates a struct instance predicate for instances of klass.


(make-struct-field-accessor klass field) -> procedure

  klass := type-descriptor
  field := fixnum

Creates a klass instance accessor for field field (relative to super).


(make-struct-field-mutator klass field) -> procedure

  klass := type-descriptor
  field := fixnum

Creates a klass instance mutator for field field (relative to super).


(make-struct-field-unchecked-accessor klass field) -> procedure

  klass := type-descriptor
  field := fixnum

Like make-struct-field-accessor, but the accessor is unchecked.


(make-struct-field-unchecked-mutator klass field) -> procedure

  klass := type-descriptor
  field := fixnum

Like make-struct-field-mutator, but the mutator is unchecked.


(make-struct-instance klass . args) -> object

  klass := type-descriptor
  args  := rest of arguments

Creates a new instance of klass. If there is a constructor method, it will be invoked with args on a freshly allocated object. Otherwise, the object is initialized with args, which must have the same length as the struct has fields.


(struct-instance-init! obj . args)

  obj  := any object
  args := rest of arguments

Initializes obj by setting its fields to args from left to right. If there are more fields than arguments, then they are left uninitialized. It is an error if there are more arguments than fields in the object.


(struct-field-offset klass field) -> fixnum

  klass := type-descriptor
  field := fixnum

Returns the absolute field offset for klass's field field.


(struct-field-ref klass obj off) -> any

  klass := type-descriptor
  obj   := instance of klass
  off   := fixnum; absolute field offset


Accesses obj's field with absolute offset off; obj is checked to be an instance of klass.


(struct-field-set! klass obj off val) -> void

  klass := type-descriptor
  obj := instance of klass
  off := fixnum; absolute field offset
  val := any

Mutates obj's field with absolute offset off to val; obj is checked to be an instance of klass.


(unchecked-field-ref obj off) -> any

  obj := instance of klass
  off := fixnum; absolute field offset

Accesses obj's field with absolute offset off; there is no type check.


(unchecked-field-set! obj off val) -> void

Mutates obj's field with absolute offset off to val; there is no type check.


(struct->list obj) -> list

  obj := any object

Converts obj to a list, which conses its type and to its fields.


(make-class-type id name direct-supers direct-slots properties constructor) -> type-descriptor

  id             := symbol; the unique type id
  name           := symbol; the possibly not unique source type name used when displaying the class
  direct-supers  := list of type-descriptors or #f; super types
  direct-slots   := list of symbols; class slot names
  properties     := alist; type properties (NB: not a plist)
  constructor    := symbol or #f; id of constructor method

alist elements:
 (transparent: . boolean) ; controls whether the object is transparent
                            in equality and printing
 (final: . boolean)       ; controls whether the class if final
 (print: slot ...)        ; list of printable slots, or boolean
 (equal: slot ...)        ; list of equality comparable slots, or boolean

Creates a new class type descriptor.


(make-class-predicate klass) -> procedure

  klass := type-descriptor

Creates a class instance predicate for instances of klass.


(make-class-slot-accessor klass slot) -> procedure

  klass := type-descriptor
  slot  := symbol

Creates a slot accessor for slot.


(make-class-slot-mutator klass slot) -> procedure

  klass := type-descriptor
  slot  := symbol

Creates a slot mutator for slot.


(make-class-slot-unchecked-accessor klass slot) -> procedure

  klass := type-descriptor
  slot  := symbol

Like make-class-slot-accessor, but creates an unchecked accessor.


(make-class-slot-unchecked-mutator klass slot) -> procedure

  klass := type-descriptor
  slot  := symbol

Like make-class-slot-mutator, but creates an unchecked mutator.


(make-class-instance klass . args) -> object

  klass := type-descriptor
  args  := rest of arguments

Creates a new instance of klass. If there is a constructor method, it will be invoked with args on a freshly allocated object. Otherwise, the object is initialized with args, which must be a plist of slot keywords/symbols and values.


(class-instance-init! obj . args)

  obj  := any object
  args := rest of arguments

Initializes obj, using args as a plist of slot keywords/symbols and values. For every slot and value in the plist, the corresponding object slot is set to the value.


(class-slot-offset klass slot) -> fixnum

  klass := type-descriptor
  slot  := symbol or keyword

Returns the absolute field offset for slot in instances of klass.


(class-slot-ref klass obj slot) -> any

  klass := type-descriptor
  obj   := instance of klass
  slot  := symbol or keyword

Checks that obj is a class instance of klass and returns the value in slot slot.


(class-slot-set! klass obj slot val) -> void

  klass := type-descriptor
  obj   := instance of klass
  slot  := symbol or keyword
  val   := any

Checks that obj is a class instance of klass and sets the value in the slot slot to val.


(slot-ref obj slot [E = slot-error]) -> any

  obj  := object
  slot := symbol or keyword
  E    := procedure

Returns the value associated with slot slot in obj. If the object has no such slot, then E is invoked in tail position as (E obj slot). By default, this raises an error.


(slot-set! obj slot val [E = slot-error]) -> void

  obj  := object
  slot := symbol or keyword
  val  := any
  E    := procedure;

Sets the value associated with slot slot in obj to val. If the object has no such slot, then E is invoked in tail position as (E obj slot). By default, this raises an error.


(unchecked-slot-ref obj slot) -> any

  obj  := object
  slot := symbol or keyword

Returns the value associated with slot slot in obj, without any checks.


(unchecked-slot-set! obj slot val) -> void

  obj  := object
  slot := symbol or keyword
  val  := any

Sets the value associated with slot slot in obj to val, without any checks.


(class->list obj)

  obj := any object

Converts obj to a list, which conses its type and to a plist of slot keywords and values.


(bind-method! klass id proc [rebind? = #t]) -> void

  klass   := type-descriptor or builtin record descriptor
  id      := symbol; method id
  proc    := procedure; method implementation
  rebind? := boolean; allow method rebinding?

Binds proc as the method with id in class klass.


(call-method obj id . args) -> any

  obj  := any object
  id   := symbol; method id
  args := rest of arguments

Applies the method with id in obj to args, with the object itself as the first argument. Raises an error if the object has no such method bound.


(find-method klass id) -> procedure | #f

  klass := type-descriptor or builtin record descriptor
  id    := symbol; method id

Looks up the method with id in klass class. Returns the procedure implementing the method or #f if the method is not bound in the class hierarchy.


(call-next-method klass obj id . args) -> any

  klass := type-descriptor or builtin record descriptor
  obj   := object
  id    := symbol; method id

Invokes the next method in obj's hierarchy, following klass.


(next-method klass obj id) -> procedure | #f

  klass := type-descriptor or builtin record descriptor
  obj   := object
  id    := symbol; method id

Returns the next method in obj's hierarchy, following klass.


(method-ref obj id) -> procedure | #f
  obj := object
  id  := symbol; method id

Looks up the method with id in obj's hierarchy.


(bound-method-ref obj id) -> procedure | #f

  obj := object
  id  := symbol; method id

Looks up the method with id in obj's hierarchy and returns a procedure which applies the method currying the object.


(checked-method-ref obj id) -> procedure | #f
  obj := object
  id  := symbol; method id

Like method-ref, but raises an error if the method is not found.


(checked-bound-method-ref obj id) -> procedure | #f

  obj := object
  id  := symbol; method id

Like bound-method-ref, but raises an error if the method is not found.


(direct-method-ref klass id) -> procedure | #f

  klass := type-descriptor
  id    := symbol; method id

Returns the binding of method with id in class klass.


(seal-class! klass) -> unspecified

  klass := type-descriptor

Seals a class, which must be final. Sealing a class specializes and coalesces all methods in the hierarchy to the class' method table.


(bind-specializer! method specializer) -> unspecified

  method      := procedure implementing a method
  specializer := procedure of one argument that returns the specialized method

Binds a specializer procedure associated with a method. When a class is sealed, the specializer is invoked with the concrete class to generate a version of the method that is specialized for the concrete class.